
zen golf mechanics

Release the Golf Club PAST the Ball for Maximum Compression

For more info or to book onto our coaching trip in Abu Dhabi, email: zen@golftravelhub.co.uk or visit the link here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02YL79g428oQT832X9DHG18V4nR3xqfFRMvsN6WLg12w3qXAGdfwGDh9vYWwxgr2iJl&id=100054208374019 How the golf club works in its entirety ie: from the handle to the club head can help us…

How Changing your Grip Unlocks the Rest of your Golf Swing

For more info or to book onto our coaching trip in Abu Dhabi, email: zen@golftravelhub.co.uk or visit the link here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02YL79g428oQT832X9DHG18V4nR3xqfFRMvsN6WLg12w3qXAGdfwGDh9vYWwxgr2iJl&id=100054208374019 ZEN Coach Danny shows Martin how when his body is assigned a different task; the grip is likely to…

Why Golf Swing Tips Work... But Then STOP Working!

For more info or to book onto our coaching trip in Abu Dhabi, email: zen@golftravelhub.co.uk or visit the link here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02YL79g428oQT832X9DHG18V4nR3xqfFRMvsN6WLg12w3qXAGdfwGDh9vYWwxgr2iJl&id=100054208374019 Have you ever wondered why for those few shots, or those few holes that the swing tip you just…

THIS Golf Swing Move has to Come MUCH SOONER with the Driver

For more info or to book onto our coaching trip in Abu Dhabi, email: zen@golftravelhub.co.uk or visit the link here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02YL79g428oQT832X9DHG18V4nR3xqfFRMvsN6WLg12w3qXAGdfwGDh9vYWwxgr2iJl&id=100054208374019 As most of you know, the driver requires a shallower arc with the club catching the ball on the…