
tiger woods golf grip

How Changing your Grip Unlocks the Rest of your Golf Swing

For more info or to book onto our coaching trip in Abu Dhabi, email: zen@golftravelhub.co.uk or visit the link here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02YL79g428oQT832X9DHG18V4nR3xqfFRMvsN6WLg12w3qXAGdfwGDh9vYWwxgr2iJl&id=100054208374019 ZEN Coach Danny shows Martin how when his body is assigned a different task; the grip is likely to…

Perfect Overlapping Golf Grip

This week PGA Professional Instructor Andy Lee will be covering the perfect overlapping golf grip to enhance your performance. Although interlocking golf grip method can have more control, overlapping golf grip can also be very effective when it is done…