

100% BAMBOO GOLF TEES #savetheplanet

#golftees #savetheplanet If your using plastic tees but want to help your golf course and the planet give these Bamboo Castle Tees try TBB Bundle pack + 1 FREE box Regular price £11.99 ORANGE Bamboo Castle Tees (70mm) Regular price£3.99…

How a stronger golf grip can help you

How a stronger golf grip can help you Peter Barber noticed that eight-handicapper Stephen Bannister’s grip was too weak. A grip change is not a particularly easy change to make but Peter said that if Stephen got onboard with his…

Weaken your grip to hit a fade

Weaken your grip to hit a fade Peter Barber asked Mark Smith to hit a fade. He struggled and this was due to his grip being too strong and him coming too far inside on his backswing. After rectifying these…