Shoulders = power…Don’t over rotate them or under rotate them because this will be the death of your golf swing! But just copy this ultimate guide to exactly how the shoulders work in the backswing and in the downswing in…
When disassociating our movement in order to access our maximum joint function to create this kinetic sequence we call a golf swing, the shoulders play a critical role. Allowing them to lag behind and separate from the ribcage, assists us…
In this tip I am showing you an easy way to coil in the backswing. So many people get this wrong because they are either not seeing it right or they are being told to do it wrong. If you…
Golf Instruction Changes! – A New Method has arrived! – • PGA Instructor Craig Hanson shares with you a incredible video on how to create the perfect moves In your swing to play the best golf you have ever played!…
**Want to improve faster? Try RISK FREE with our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee! Get swing feedback and coaching from Eric: **If you aren’t following Tom Saguto and SagutoGolf on YouTube, you should be! Check out his channel at this…
If you want more pars, let’s first do a lightning speed warm-up for core and lightning fast hands using the LightSpeed Trainer by Orange Whip. Great to do if there is a back-up on the tee. Gets the blood flowing,…
**Want to improve faster? Cogorno Golf is where I can work directly with you to help you reach your golf goals. We’ll determine your priorities, set you up with a custom practice plan and coach you through the process. Click…