

Unique Rule That Allows You To Re-Tee

A possibly embarrassing situation can be at least in part remedied by a solid understanding of Rule 6, Playing Ball from Teeing Area. If you make a stroke at the ball and whiff, or barely strike the ball and it remains…

ReTee Golf Review

ReTee Golf divot repair tools are a great gift for corporate outings and tournaments. Visit www.reteegolf.com for more information! Besides grass and sand, the most common item to find on a golf course is probably a broken tee. Far too…

ReTee Promo Video

Re Tee is the Divot Repair tool that has a pencil sharpener built in to save the environment from the waste of pencils and tee’s. Why should 3 1/4 inch tees be one shot deals? Pick up and re sharpen…