Voice Caddie SC4 – https://voicecaddie.com/sc4-golf-science-lab/ Rapsodo MLM 2 PRO – https://bit.ly/rapsodomlm2pro We’re measuring the actual yardage and then measured yardage from the Rapsodo MLM 2 Pro and the Voice Caddie SC4. We review which launch monitor is more accurate with…
We recently unboxed the Rapsodo MLM2 Pro and tested it out on the range as a mobile launch monitor, this episode we”ve built ourselves an indoor net, set up the project and were going to test out the Rapsodo as…
In today’s video I am testing out the Rapsodo MLM2PRO with three different types of balls. The Rapsodo RPT Balls, the Titleist RCT Balls, and a premium Callaway ball to see if it makes a difference. 1️⃣ Rapsodo MLM2PRO -…
Why is EVERYONE using Awesome Golf with the Rapsodo MLM2PRO? In today’s video I am testing out the Rapsodo MLM2PRO vs the GC3 using the Awesome Golf App to see why everyone is using it . 1️⃣ Rapsodo MLM2PRO -…