In this episode of Quest to be the Best, Erika Baker visits Kiel in Chattanooga at the great Black Creek Golf Club Chattanooga Since it has been a while since the last visit, Kiel works to help Erika clean us…
In Quest to be the Best, Episode #5, Kiel trains Tess on the importance of having a strong mindset. You will learn some tactics that anyone can apply to gain more confidence and self belief under pressure. You will…
In this episode of Quest to be the Best, Kiel Alderink drills Tess Hackworthy on the importance of defining your thoughts over the ball. You will see the importance of controlling your thoughts and what happens when you do…
In Episode #3 of Quest to be the Best, Kiel Alderink shows Tess Hackworthy why the tactics she was using to aim was actually harming her performance. Kiel takes Tess into the depth of how she is wired and…