

Clinic inspires young Black girls to learn game of golf

“We Black We Golf” teaching young girls of color the fundamentals of golf. Subscribe to WISN on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1emE5YX Get more Milwaukee news: http://www.wisn.com Like us: http://www.facebook.com/wisn12 Follow us: http://twitter.com/WISN12News Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wisn12news/

Residential for sale - 1660 Bella Cir, Lincoln, CA 95648

Listing Site: Property Site: https://tour.corelistingmachine.com/home/A7YJ4Z/1660-Bella-Cir-Lincoln-CA-223060303 Welcome home…Gorgeous home located in the prestigious & gated Catta Verdera Golf Course Community. Featuring 6 bedrooms plus an office. En-Suite bedroom downstairs w/private bathroom plus an additional full bathroom downstairs as well. Upon entering…