

Simple Golf Strategy.

When shooting the yardage to the green with your rangefinder be sure to shoot other targets in the area. This can help you leave you a easy pitch shot if you miss the green.

Best Putting Drill

Making a good putt is almost entirely dependent on the face angle of the putter at impact. A simple yardstick is the best way to perfect making short putts. #GolfTip#PGAPro#Knoxville#MoreBirdies #GolfGrip#GolfTip#PGApro#Knoxville

Correcting Your Slice

To correct a slice you need a functional grip and the correct wrist condition at the top of the backswing. I can fix your slice in 1 lesson. #GolfGrip#GolfTip#PGApro#Knoxville#nomoreslice#golfaccuracy