Welcome to Bobby Steiner Golf Academy (BSGA), where learning is made fun. Golf is one of the most enjoyable and alluring of all games and is unrivaled when it comes to the number of pleasing sights, sounds and beauty that…
Welcome to Bobby Steiner Golf Academy (BSGA), where learning is made fun. Golf is one of the most enjoyable and alluring of all games and is unrivaled when it comes to the number of pleasing sights, sounds and beauty that…
When you are playing dollar skins game with your buddies, and you have everything on the line, what is your strategy ? Today I am going to show you how to keep the ball in play. And what you can…
친구들과 가벼운 내기골프를 칠때, 모든것이 걸려있는 한 홀, 꼭 파를 만들어야한다면… 여러분은 어떤 전략을 쓰나요? 오늘 내기 골프시 절대 지지않는 꿀팁 공개해드릴게요! 즐감하셔요! 궁금하신점 있으시면 http://golfwithaimee.com/KO/qa/ 으로 오셔서 질문해주세요! 영상이 즐거우셨다면 “좋아요” 버튼 눌러 주셔용~ 유투브 체널에 구독 버튼 꾹!…
오늘은 강한 앞바람이 불 경우, 셋업시 어떻게 다르게 하고, 스윙을 할떄 주의해야하는점들에 대해 알려드릴게요! 장소협찬 UPLAND HILLS CC 즐감하셔요! 궁금하신점 있으시면 http://golfwithaimee.com/KO/qa/ 으로 오셔서 질문해주세요! 영상이 즐거우셨다면 “좋아요” 버튼 눌러 주셔용~ 유투브 체널에 구독 버튼 꾹! 누르시고 자동 업데이트 받으세요!…
This was the first day at the convention center for 2018. I met David LEadbetter, I hadn’t seen him in years! I met Damon Hack from the Morning Drive, that was exciting! I hope you enjoy the vlog! When you…