The left shoulder can be a help or hinderance in the golf swing. The left shoulder can unlock some serious body speed and help you square up the club face to hit much straighter shots. I give you two golf…
Mike Dero explains that in golf, the inside Swings the Outside. In other words the inside of your body swings the club head which is the outside. Once you understand this concept, you will also understand how professional golfers can…
If you are too armsy with your swing, steep in transition and downswing, have trouble drawing the ball, can’t control direction…and more – this video with @LarryCheungGolf is for you. SUBSCRIBE:
If you are bale to hit the fairway woods well, try this shot shaping with your 3 wood! You can use this when you are into the wind, behind a tree trying to keep the flight low, or if you…
페어웨이우드를 어느 정도 잘 치신다면, 3번 우드로 로우 드로우 샷 세이핑 시도 해보세요! 이 샷은: -강한 앞바람 -나무 뒤에있어서 낮게 쳐야할경우, 또는 -롱 파4나 숏 파5 세컨드 샷에 5-10 야드 정도 길게 치고싶을때 아주 유용하게 쓸수있습니다! 궁금하신점 있으시면 으로…