Leicht verständliche Erklärung was zu beachten ist, wenn der Ball in einer Penalty Area landet und von dort gespielt wird, wie er liegt. Yves C. Ton-That is a referee and the author of the bestseller “Golf Rules Quick Reference”, which…
Leicht verständliche Erklärung wie vorzugehen ist, wenn der ruhende Ball beim Entfernen eines künstlichen Gegenstandes aus Versehen bewegt wird. Yves C. Ton-That is a referee and the author of the bestseller “Golf Rules Quick Reference”, which has sold more than…
Quick and easy-to-understand explanation of how to proceed if a ball at rest is accidentally moved when removing an artificial object. Yves C. Ton-That is a referee and the author of the bestseller “Golf Rules Quick Reference”, which has sold…
SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules After posting Rules questions to the community, we got many people …
SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules Q. The player moved a loose impediment that was behind his ball at rest in a sand-filled divot. Is this permitted? . A. Yes, removing loose impediments is permitted, but you…
SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules Q. Tiger’s ball came to rest next a large rock, don’t the Rules state that he has to play it as it lies? . A. Loose impediments aren’t considered part of…
SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules Q. If your ball comes to rest in animal dung, what are your options? . A. You can: Play it as it lies; Try and remove the loose impediment, being careful…
Your ball has come to rest next to a movable obstruction or a loose impediment… Grant Moir from The R&A Rules Team has all the answers on what you can and can’t do. Learn more on the Rules of Golf…
Quick and easy-to-understand explanation of how to handle loose impediments in the bunker. Yves C. Ton-That is a referee and the author of the bestseller “Golf Rules Quick Reference”, which has sold more than two million copies. In this easy-to-understand…