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ゴルフスイングでの腕とクラブの振り方と、前傾について解説しています。 📶SNS 📱Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tatsuro_kitano1123 📱Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063639155027&sk=about 🎥Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@tatsuro_kitano1123/videos ⛳GOLF LESSON:https://personal-golflounge.com/ (↑東京都岩本町のパーソナルゴルフラウンジ) ⬇️Affiliate Links: ⛳SPORTSBOX 3DGOLF FOR COACH:https://sportsboxai.referralrock.com/l/TATSURO15/ (15%OFF Coupon code:TATSURO15) ⛳ SPORTSBOX 3D PRACTICE:https://coubic.com/golflesson-clubfitting/products#pageContent (↑こちらのリンクからご購入頂くと、2ヶ月目または2年目が10%OFF) #ゴルフ #ゴルフレッスン #trackman
We’ve updated the setup video to explain the process in more detail and to give some more insight into how and why the app should be used as instructed.
Trainingbird.app The affordable Golf training App giving you instructions while practicing #golfapp #golftrainingapp #golfinsttructionapp Fatshots Want to get rid of those nasty fatshots Want to get rid of those nasty slices? Then put in your ear pads and simply follow…
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#championgolfinstructionapp #golfapp #golftrainingapp Trainingbird | The easy golf training instruction app for practicing on your own with guidance. Finally the clever, affordable golf app for in ear instructions while practicing on your own. You always practice with guidance and you…
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