
golf yoga

Sharpie Your Wedges

Hey Quite The Chap here for GolfersRX. Chili-dipping, I mean chunking, no whiffing, geez, I mean chipping and how to avoid the other stuff I just said…in todays video Chipping ain’t easy. But getting better doesn’t have to be complicated.…

Keep It Down In The Wind

Hey Quite The Chap here for GolfersRX. BALLOOOOOOOON BAALLLLLL! And how not to hit it…in todays video. Have you tried to hit a low knockdown type shot only to hit it higher than you normally do? How is this possible?…

Putt With A 5 Iron

Hey Quite The Chap here for GolfersRX. You’re not on the green but you’re not too far off the green do you putt, do you chip, do you just pickup…in todays’ video There’s that awkward distance where you’re not on…

Find Balance In Your Golf Swing

Hey Quite The Chap here for GolfersRX. A balanced work/golf life is the best life but it can depend a lot on the balance in your golf life…because balance is important…in today’s video. If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard…

PreShot Driver Drill

This PreShot Driver Drill will help you swing through your tee shot and improve your driver distance. You should use this on-course playing tip from Mr. Short Game to help you rotate and transition your weight. This simple mental tip…

Bunker Drill - Sand Scoop

Mr. Short Game is back with a bunker drill – Sand Scoop to help you accelerate through the sand and hit the golf ball closer to the pin. The Bunker Drill – Sand Scoop is a practice technique that will…

Prepare to Play Great Golf!

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Think someone said that one time and its pretty solid advice! But a massive amount of golfers, all of us at some point, fail to prepare to go play pretty much all the time!…