
golf impact

How Fast Should You Swing?

So many golfers keep trying to hit the ball as hard as they can yet they are still inconsistent. Wouldn’t it be great if you knew how fast you should swing? This tip shows you what too look for to…

This Is Why You Are Standing Up At Impact!

Learn Milo’s 5 KEYS to Building a Rotational Golf Swing for FREE! 🔑 https://milolinesgolf.com/watch-now-5-keys-to-building-a-rotational-golf-swing/ Become a member of the Milo Lines Golf Academy! https://milolinesgolf.com …Included in an online membership: one monthly swing analysis, invitation to member-only webinars, entry to our…

Stretch Then Fall Into A Pure Golf Impact Position

Learn Milo’s 5 KEYS to Building a Rotational Golf Swing for FREE! 🔑 https://milolinesgolf.com/watch-now-5-keys-to-building-a-rotational-golf-swing/ Become a member of the Milo Lines Golf Academy! https://milolinesgolf.com …Included in an online membership: one monthly swing analysis, invitation to member-only webinars, entry to our…

Stop Rushing Your Downswing

In this tip, I want you to stop rushing your downswing. So many people I see swing so fast they literally have no time to even use their body to hit the ball. I say this because your arms move…