
golf fitness training program

DB Farmers Carry

*PURPOSE* • Strengthen grip, legs and core • Anaerobic conditioning *POSITIONING* • Athletic standing stance • Holding DBs at side *FORM* • Walk forward in a straight line • Keep chest up and hold good posture APP – WEBSITE -…

DB 1 Arm Farmers Carry

*PURPOSE* • Strengthen grip and legs • Aerobic conditioning *POSITIONING* • Athletic standing stance • Holding DB at side *FORM* • Walk forward in a straight line • Keep chest up and hold good posture APP – WEBSITE – ONLINE…

BB Bent Over Row From Floor

PURPOSE: Strengthen back and support shoulder function POSITIONING: Athletic stance Flexed right over at hip, BB resting on floor Overhand grip on BB, arm hanging straight down FORM: Pull the BB into the lower rib cage Make sure shoulder retracts…

BB Narrow Grip Bench Press

PURPOSE • Increase strength in chest, shoulders and triceps POSITIONING • Lying on bench • Feet on floor • Grip on BB slightly narrower than shoulder width FORM • Lower the BB down to 2 inches above level of chest…

BB Bench Press

PURPOSE • Increase strength in chest, shoulders and triceps POSITIONING • Lying on bench • Feet on floor • Grip on BB 3 fists wider than shoulders FORM • Lower the BB down to 2 inches above level of chest…