
golf fit pro

Cable / Band Pull Through

PURPOSE: Strengthen Glutes POSITIONING: Attach resistance band to low point behind you. Grip band with thumbs forward Bend forward with straight back FORM: Stand up straight, keeping back straight. Try to drive movement from your glutes Return to start position…

BB Hang Power Clean

PURPOSE: Trains neural system – explosive power POSITIONING: Athletic stance Overhand shoulder width grip on BB on the floor FORM: Lower BB to knee and then start to lift back up When BB gets to mid thigh, explosively drive the…

Lat Pulldown - Wide Grip

PURPOSE: Strengthen lats and mid back POSITIONING: Seated on lat pulldown machine or kneeling under cable / resistance band Straight back Wide grip overhand grip FORM: Engage upper back by moving shoulders down With shoulders still engaged pull bar down…

Underhand Pull Up

PURPOSE Strengthens lats, shoulders, mid and low traps POSITIONING: Chin up bar Underhand grip, just inside shoulder width grip FORM: Engage upper back to set scapula Pull straight up keeping low body relatively still Bring shoulders to hands then lower…

Wide Grip Pull Up

PURPOSE: Strengthens lats, shoulders, mid and low traps POSITIONING: Chin up bar Overhand grip, just fists wider than shoulder FORM: Engage upper back to set scapula Pull straight up keeping low body relatively still Bring chin to bar then lower…

Posture Cue

PURPOSE Develop awareness and endurance of deep postural muscles and neutral spine POSITIONING Hip width athletic stance Tubing over crown of head, drawing spine out of pelvis to stand stall Retracted chin and slight bend in knees FORM Hold position…

Wide Stance Walkaround

PURPOSE: Increase length in hamstrings and lower back POSITIONING: Wide stance Bent over forwards with legs straight FORM: “Walk” the hands around from one foot to the other. Pause for 5 seconds and then walk back to start position TIPS:…

BB Wide Grip Deadlift

PURPOSE Strengthen glutes, hamstrings and back POSITIONING: Hip width stance w chest above hips Wide grip on BB FORM: Engage core and upper back Lower BB down to mid shin Keep shoulders over the bar and make sure back is…

BB Narrow Stance Back Squat

PURPOSE Strengthen glutes, quads POSITIONING: Narrow stance BB on shoulders FORM: Sit back and down into squat Feel activation in glutes and return back to standing position TIPS: Keep core engaged Check form in mirror APP – WEBSITE – ONLINE…

Narrow Stance Push Up

PURPOSE Strengthens chest, triceps, core POSITIONING Face down Hands thumbs length apart Feet together FORM Lower chest towards floor Push back up to start position and repeat TIPS Engage core to ensure back stays supported and does not sag APP…