
golf exercises for seniors

BB Overhead Squat

PURPOSE: Strengthens glutes and quads, requires core integration POSITIONING: Athletic stance, feet hip width apart Arms extended above your head Wide grip on barbell or stick FORM: Break at the hips into squat position Keep the arms extended overhead and…

BB Bent Over Row

PURPOSE: Strengthen back and support shoulder function POSITIONING: Athletic stance Flexed right over at hip, BB resting on floor Overhand grip on BB, arm hanging straight down FORM: Pull the BB into the lower rib cage Make sure shoulder retracts…

BB Hang Clean

PURPOSE: Trains neural system – explosive power POSITIONING: Athletic stance Overhand shoulder width grip on BB on the floor FORM: Lower BB to knee and then start to lift back up When BB gets to mid thigh, explosively drive the…

DB Shrug

PURPOSE: Strengthen upper traps POSITIONING: Athletic stance 1 DB in each hand, arms hanging straight down to side of body FORM: Shrug shoulders up and back – squeeze shoulder blades together Lower back to start position and repeat TIPS: Keep…

Med Ball Horizontal Chest Press

PURPOSE Train neural system for speed and power in upper body POSITIONING Athletic staggered stance Med ball held in both hands at chest FORM Chest pass the ball straight in front, as hard as possible Retain balance and stance during…

On Toes Knee Band Crab Walk

PURPOSE Train activation of glutes POSITIONING Band around knees Hip width stance, slight squat Up on toes, heels off ground FORM Move sideways using small steps Keep the knees directly stacked over toes Aim to lead with the knees and…

Split Squat Rotate

PURPOSE: Train dynamic rotation and stability/balance whilst maintaining solid posture POSITIONING: Stretch tall, relax shoulders down, push mid/upper back into the wall Breathe normally FORM: Sink into split stance position Rotate both left and right, pushing out against tubing Return…

Cable / Band Chest Press

PURPOSE Strengthen chest, core, train whole body integration POSITIONING Neutral stance, facing away from anchor point/cable One cable / band in each hand Middle attachment (about shoulder height) FORM Press cables / bands forward Engage core and use lower body…

Cable / Band Woodchop - High to Low

PURPOSE: Strengthen the core in rotational movement POSITIONING: Athletic stance High attachment for cable / band FORM: Keep the hands in front of the sternum and turn upper body away from machine/attachment. Use only core muscles to generate the movement,…

Split Stance Pallof Press

PURPOSE Strengthen core POSITIONING Athletic staggered stance Stand side on from the attachment Hands holding band or cable straight out from the sternum FORM Start with arms together at chest Extend arms straight out in front Hold strong against resistance,…