James struggles with consistency in golf and doesn’t get the distance on his shots that he’d like. During his GRF golf coaching lesson, we went through some simple golf drills and exercises which soon got James playing consistent draws and…
When disassociating our movement in order to access our maximum joint function to create this kinetic sequence we call a golf swing, the shoulders play a critical role. Allowing them to lag behind and separate from the ribcage, assists us…
When we get the power for the golf swing coming from places that are more efficient at delivering it (ie: the bigger muscles in the body), we’re able then to better coordinate our strike and swing direction, not to mention…
All we need is a ball on a bit of string (that can be done at home) then assuming you have access to a practice bunker, guys, I strongly recommend you hop in one for the remainder of the exercises!…
Changing the grip we have on the golf club is something we’ve all at least played around with at some stage! But how we grip everything else in life is usually done so with the task in mind, which then…
As we already know – every golf swing is different. Of course at the top level they share commonalities but each player has their unique way of doing it and for the swing trigger, we suggest you do the same…
Nils made good use of his lateral and vertical force, but his rotations were working against him… Once we use the GRFi tools to assist him in becoming aware of how his body could function using the ground, we saw…
ZEN Coach Danny explains to Jamie that the fashion in which he is delivering the golf club is high spin and likely to lose him a lot of distance, especially in windy conditions. As always, a huge thanks to Jamie…
For more info or to book onto our coaching trip in Abu Dhabi, email: zen@golftravelhub.co.uk or visit the link here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02YL79g428oQT832X9DHG18V4nR3xqfFRMvsN6WLg12w3qXAGdfwGDh9vYWwxgr2iJl&id=100054208374019 ZEN Coach Danny shows Martin how when his body is assigned a different task; the grip is likely to…
For more info or to book onto our coaching trip in Abu Dhabi, email: zen@golftravelhub.co.uk or visit the link here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02YL79g428oQT832X9DHG18V4nR3xqfFRMvsN6WLg12w3qXAGdfwGDh9vYWwxgr2iJl&id=100054208374019 Have you ever wondered why for those few shots, or those few holes that the swing tip you just…