

Benchmonster TV Episode 200

Join us this Thursday for another fun filled episode of Benchmonster TV. This week on the show we will spend the first part of the broadcast going over in great detail as to what happened to me with my botched…

Benchmonster TV Episode 188

Join us this Thursday for another fun filled episode of Benchmonster TV. We’re back rocking and rolling and I’m feeling great, and very excited to rock the show this Thursday, We have plenty of videos and we’ll talk about the…

Stop Hitting the Squat Rack

No one likes that feeling of being jostled side to side with weight on your back from hitting the squat rack during the walk-out. In this video, we focus on lining up your feet and paying a little closer attention…

Heavy Single Leg Training

Split squats are fantastic exercise for anyone to include in their training. If you are a sport athlete or if you are a strength athlete and spend a lot of time in a bilateral squat stance, split squats can add…

Knee Position In The Squat

The position of your knee in the squat is dependent on how well your foot and hip talk to each other. The knee is a center mediator and will change position (for better or worse) based on how stable and…