

What Happened to the Highest Drafted Kicker In “Modern” NFL History? (It Didn’t Go Too Well)

This is the story of Russell Erxleben, the highest drafted kicker in modern NFL history. From breaking records in college to doing hard prison time. This NFL draft bust has a story for the ages. Key Sources: https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2014/06/08/back-in-prison-russell-erxleben-sees-himself-more-victim-than-con-man/10121716007/ https://www.si.com/nfl/saints/news/messed-up-life-of-the-most-hated-man-in-saints-history Website:…

We Drafted The PGA Tour

We took a page out of the NFL’s book with the inspired PGA Tour draft. We each took 8 players and built a squad we thought would do best not just for 2020 but for the future (same as a…