
cycling vlog

Understanding Glute Power with Tim Woo

In this conversation, GluteDoperDoc Timothy and Brendan Housler discuss the concept of glute doping and its application in cycling. They explore the importance of proper technique and muscle activation in cycling performance and pain management. They also discuss the role…

Ba Na Hills - Sehenswürdigkeit oder Touristenfalle und ob sich der Besuch lohnt? Radtour in Vietnam

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Climb After Climb

Having been away for a few days and the prospect of a waste of a day driving home. I persuaded my wife to sit in the van, whilst I stopped off at all the official climbs on route home. There…

New Gravel Bike Shoes for a Friend!

Competitive Cyclist and I wanted to help you get your Gravel Shoes dialed in. Use Code: DUSTIN15 for 15% off your first purchase here: (some exclusions may apply) #Sponsored  #competitive cyclist -—————— Let’s go on a big ass ride in…