

Rotator Cuff Turn In - Arm Up

PURPOSE: Strengthen rotator cuff POSITIONING: Upright stance facing away from band or cable anchored at head height Tubing held with palm facing forwards Elbow and shoulder both at 90 degrees FORM: Turn hand down to parallel with the floor Aim…

Rotator Cuff Turn In

PURPOSE: Strengthen rotator cuff POSITIONING: Upright stance Tubing held with palm facing inwards Elbow tucked against opposite hand on the rib cage FORM: Turn hand in to end range Do not let elbow come away from opposite hand Return to…

Rotator Cuff Turn Out

PURPOSE: Strengthen rotator cuff POSITIONING: Upright stance Tubing held with palms facing upwards Elbows tucked into rib cage FORM: Keep elbows tucked into rib cage Turn hands out to end range Do not let elbows come away from body Return…