
course management to break 80

The SECRET To Lowering Your Golf Score

More Videos: Scratch golfer with $250 clubs VS. Average golfer with $1300 clubs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Kjcad5JqoQ&list=PLJ18e3wiFnWnC4EcDdOu3r3w7aqv_qI_S 100 year old clubs VS. New clubs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW7rKlNulC8&list=PLJ18e3wiFnWm_TMAn6J1y-QSZmM3N_sCG Playing golf from the LADIES TEES, how low can we go? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP2uvRcwo_U&list=PLJ18e3wiFnWm_TMAn6J1y-QSZmM3N_sCG I BROKE MY DRIVER Breaking 80…