One of the most important yet a super difficult move in the golf swing! Let’s master the downswing transition today! I will show you an Aimeefied drill to help you work on it with ease! 골프스윙에서 가장 중요하면서도 정말 어려운…
We will talk about the lead shoulder angle at the top of the backswing. This will help complete your coil for more power and accuracy! 오늘은 백스윙 탑 포지션에서 왼쪽 어깨 앵글은 어떻게 되야 하는지 꼼꼼히 설명해드리고 에이미 화 된…
Today’s Q&A Q: I’m a beginner and I do not understand this concept (of using your body). I can stop at the top, then move my body (but not in a flowing motion). Could you please explain this? In this…
Once you have mastered your set up, by watching my Beginner Series Set Up lesson Let’s learn to make the correct rotations before we grip a golf club. Aimee talks about maintaining the spine angle/set up angle when you rotate.…