The Shooting Show — Skye fox shooting special

We’ve gone all out on foxing kit, foxing tactics and fox shooting footage for episode fifty-three of The Shooting Show. We hit a million views this week, and what better way to mark the occasion than with a special feature? Skye shooting supremo Scott Mackenzie is the host, and foxing is the game — but there’s an urgent call to action as lambing season is upon us and the lambs are under threat from fox predation. In an extended feature, Scott is out two nights in a row on different parts of Skye after Charlie, experiencing the good, the bad and the truly agonising moments that solo foxing on such remote terrain are bound to provide.

While out in the field we also take the chance to give Scott a mountain of kit to make him the envy of any rifle shooter. First up, there’s the Kimber 84M, possibly the lightest factory rifle in the world — and we’ve topped that with a Swarovski Z6i and thrown a Hardy Gen IV moderator in for good measure. There’s also a Lightforce 170SL lamp and enough calls to produce any sound you can imagine. Not bad for two nights’ work!