Stop Hitting Fat, Thin and Topped Shots with this Simple Golf Swing Fix

Fat, thin and topped golf shots are often the result of the same swing problem – you are releasing early. Golfers try to fix this problem by “holding the angle” or “maintaining lag”, but it never works. The reason it doesn’t work is because many golf instructors think that releasing early is a wrist problem. In actuality, it is a movement problem where you are lacking the proper rotation of the body.

When the upper body (shoulders) lack rotation into impact, they stop too soon causing the hands to unhinge. This “early” unhinging plagues many golfers causing inconsistent impact and terrible golf shots.

In this video I discuss a quick tip to help create the proper shaft lean at impact where you compress the golf ball and eliminate the dreaded, early release.

The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing – impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.