Windy Golf is Fun – IDGAF GOLF 101 Wadda Beautiful Life

Windy golf – It was the windiest day in Simonstown on my trip there and I dragged the wife to come and film.

My suggestion CLICK THIS LINK

and let that play in another window on the computer. It will play a song on repeat and then come back and press play on this video of mine but mute my video and let the smooth sound of Fats Domino play over the video. It’ smore fun.

All now available on:


It was y wife’s first time on a golf course, and it was our honeymoon. It was windy a hell and I HAD to pay golf with someone else’s clubs and no golf shoes. Waddaprivelege she had. She weighs as much as my tripod so was being blown all over the show but waddadedication.

It was windy and there was no chance to hear anything besides deafening wind noise so I have overlayed this with music only. Follow the above suggestion if you don’t like my music choice.

In the end, I don’t want to make an instructional video all the time. This is a video for me, for my memory of the time in Cape Town my woman, and to reminisce about the beauty of South Africa and how much I miss the good parts of it.

The place is beautiful and the cape area is fantastic for golf. I was in Simonstown and that’s why I played this course. Is it short? Yes. Is it in bad condition? Yes. Did I even keep score? No. Do I even care? No. Is the video different and uninteresting? Maybe. But I really don’t give eine scheisse, because golf is fun and this was the most fun I have had in years on a golf course.

Waddabeautiful life we have playas. Waddanhonor to play golf. Wadda memory! Bad greens, dry fairways in a drought, no funding to make it great, who cares! The locals are out there jamming every day because it’s golf. It’s fun, it’s there. Play on beasts, play on!