Golf Swing 11 – One Handed Swings Help Find the Swing Plane and Release Feel

Right-handed golfers often unconsciously engage their right hand during the downswing, leading to errors in the initiation of the motion. This makes it difficult to feel and align with the correct swing plane—simply put, it “creates chaos.” Therefore, training with the left hand alone is essential.

Benefits of Left-Hand-Only Practice
Reduces over-reliance on the right hand, allowing the body to naturally follow gravity and establish the correct swing plane.
Improves timing and rhythm, preventing premature movements involving the wrists or arms.

Benefits of Right-Hand-Only Practice
This exercise helps you feel how the grip presses against the first joint of the index finger.
Maintaining this sensation throughout the swing ensures better clubface control and promotes a smooth release of the clubhead at impact.

By combining both left- and right-hand-only practice, golfers can enhance their mechanics, develop better control, and improve consistency in their swings.

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