I’m in Tampa with no power after the storm. I just used my golf net to catch a bat in my house.

Golf saves lives



  1. sirgandolf007

    Think you’re due for a rabies shot now if you don’t already have it

  2. Scargut_

    I’m sure your wife was terrified. Nice work

  3. dr_shastafarian

    I’m sat here thinking you have like a fishing net that you use for golf balls (instead of a standard ball retriever) for an uncomfortably long time before I realized you meant….like….a target net that you hit into 🤦🏼‍♂️

  4. Bats are awesome animals. Far more benefit than harm.

  5. Longjumping-Cash-178

    I used a tennis racquet. Messy, yet effective.

  6. MrSnifferpippets

    I replied to another comment but I’m going to comment again that you 100% need to get rabies vaccines for your entire family as soon as fucking possible.

    There are almost no warning signs and when the signs show up you’re already dead and it is a very, very painful and awful way to die.

    Even if you think you’re all good, go fucking do it. You wouldn’t even feel a bite.

  7. Keep it and have it tested for rabies if you haven’t released it yet.

  8. FireMaster2311

    Dude, using a flashlight for this instead of net practice is a waste.

  9. 4Ever2Thee

    I’ve had to catch a few bats in my years, my best advice is don’t touch it with your bare hands, wear gloves or use a cloth to pick it up. Hang it on a tree branch(if you hold it upside down and hold its feet up to a small branch it’ll grab on.) Then just leave it and it’ll fly away.

  10. Low_Firefighter_8085

    I’m a paramedic, we see all
    of the shit,
    please just go get the shots.
    After 23 years, rabies and prions are the only 2 things that scare the hell out of me.
    Once you have rabies symptoms it’s too late.
    You will most likely just get shots for no reason, but the consequences of guessing wrong are pain and then death. Not just death, there is a lot of pain first.
    Your local health department can handle easily.

  11. Sea-Queue

    Fuck yeah! Golf!

    Sorry… I’m drunk…

    Hit em straight!!

  12. randymarsh22

    I am a bat biologist. That appears to be a big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) one of the most widespread and abundant bats in North America. A bat in your house does not mean you have rabies. Less than 0.01% of bats are positive for rabies— it is fatal in bats too. Bats do not “carry” rabies. If a bat gets rabies, it will die. Just like you or me if we get rabies.

    Bats generally only bite people defensively (like when captured in a golf net). You would 100% feel a bat bite, especially from this species, they have large incisors and crunch beetles for a living. Rabies is generally only contracted by a bite if blood is drawn. The rabies vaccine does not prevent you from getting rabies, it allows you to receive the antidote more readily. It is a series of three shots over 21 days. If you go to the hospital they will give you the antidote as precaution. There is no harm in checking with a doctor.

    Well done capturing the bat. They are hard to catch (I literally get paid to catch them in professional and academic settings). The best thing you can do is to wear leather gloves (they cannot bite through those), set the net outside, and let the bat fly off— or if you feel comfortable, stick it on a tree trunk. Funny enough, I use a golf glove when I handle bats, and did that before I started playing. No need to fear for your health or your family.

    Hope you get an ace tomorrow.

    End of PSA. Bat work is a lot of PR.

  13. Speshulest_K

    This is exactly why I come to r/golf. Good shit OP

  14. Potential-Raccoon822


  15. OnTheMcFly

    Hell yah, those are my little buddies. Used to leave on the stadium lights to get a couple hours of alone time on the range after work and they’d just be zooming around and snapping up all the bugs.

  16. ImaFreemason

    Spiderman catches Batman in his web? Nice one.

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