Golf Tips

Any tips on my swing, feel as if I’m coming just a tad over the top

Been playing for a couple months now, and have been playing relentlessly, absolutely fell in love with the game after calling my dad gay for many years for playing.

Feel like in this set of swings my second is the best. Just trying super hard to let hands drop for a split second then rotate shoulders and finish hip rotation.
Any tips on if I’m still coming way to over the top.
My main thought is if I need to wait just a split second more so arms can drop down a bit further and then rotate shoulders.
When I’m playing good my shots go straight, sometimes a bit of a cut / fade with driver.
When I’m playing bad I pull irons left and don’t even get driver and woods out of the bag.

by Present_Willow_1049


  1. Basherkid

    Be honest. How often have you been hit with that ball coming back at you.

  2. Deepdesertconcepts

    You’re barking up the right tree, still a little steep coming into the ball. This isn’t the best angle, but you want your shaft perpendicular to your spine at this position, roughly where the red line is I drew here. One way I’ve grooved this is the feeling of skipping a stone with the right hand. You would never come over the top trying to skip a rock. Another feel is that you’re making a clockwise circle with the club head at the top of the backswing. Good luck, hope this helps! 🍀

  3. djmc252525

    You’re waiting wayyyy too long to get your weight forward 

    When you throw a ball would you let your arm get all the way back before you stepped forward? Or as the arm was about halfway back would you be planting the lead foot to brace for the momentum of your arm?

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