Ben Hogan swing

Ben Hogan swing

by bluecgene


  1. Kotukunui

    He’s going to be hitting a lot of his second shots out of his own divots on day 2.

  2. North_Vegetable2476

    He forgot to turn shot tracer on ?

  3. probably the best golf swing to ever hit a ball, its incredible to watch

  4. That_Toe8574

    How loose it is. I try not to have tension in my arms or wrists but this is just floppy. Very jealous, I’m guessing you REALLY have to trust the swing to give up this much control over the club head.

  5. Barb_WyRE

    The same universal truths to all great golf swings!

    Lead wrist gets to max flexion.

    Spine angle remains unchanged from setup through impact.

    Good wrists and spine lead to good plane and clubface control.

  6. ishysredditusername

    short back-swing.

    An overswing has got to be the most common swing fault out there

  7. Public_Proposal_3567

    Simple mechanics, short backswing, repeatable motion.

  8. hopethatschocolate

    Relatively flat swing plane in comparison to a lot of modern players.

  9. PosterMakingNutbag

    Keeps his arms close on the back swing but the experts over at r/golfswing would be criticizing his “chicken wing” on the follow through.

  10. Nine_Eye_Ron

    Reading the comments and looking at the swing it’s amazing to see people describe a move in one way that others describe in the complete opposite.

    This is due to the whole “feel” vs “real” and individual perception and experience of those in relation to their reference points and own understanding.

    It highlights how dangerous good advice is when applied improperly and how sometimes bad advice can be the cure!

    In the end going to see a teaching professional, a good one at least and sticking to and practicing their instruction is always going to be the best way.

    That being said, there is a lot of excellent advice on YouTube from some very knowledgeable professionals. I think the issue is finding the necessary advice and applying it from YouTube requires a lot of experience and understanding as well as trial and error. In other words overcoming the whole “feel” vs “real” problem.

  11. BigfootSmokesDope

    So there’s no point to the video? Not going to tell us what is being analyzed? Just a bunch of randos point out what they notice about his swing regardless of what the video was trying to show us? Cool cool.

  12. DontGetTheShow

    His pants still use less fabric than the Jason Day Malbons

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