Tiger Woods on how he hits a draw vs fade

Does anyone understand the golf swing enough to explain a little further in detail what tiger is saying here? He says he does a little bit of the shot shaping with his path but mainly by manipulating the club face at address.

by Nog3oh3


  1. Joker0091

    You got it backwards. The main thing is the path. He’s trying to hit a push draw. So open the face a tiny bit to get it started right, then the in to out path makes the ball curve back left.

  2. Face direction is where the ball starts. 

    Club path dictates how it curves.

    The draw starts out to the right (for righties) and then comes back left.

    Tiger opens the face slightly to have the ball fly initially to the right, and he takes a step back with his back foot to slightly point his hips ‘closed’ to the target to better facilitate taking the club inside and finishing with the swing outside. 

    A fade is opposite. You start the ball to the left and then it peels to the right. To do this, Tiger would have the face closed (pointing to the left) and then shift his back foot slightly forward to open up his hips to facilitate and out to in club path to create the curve.

    If you leave the face square to the target at impact while attempting to hit a draw or a fade you will start the ball ‘on line’ at first and then fade or draw away from your target rather than towards your target. 

  3. Idk everytime I try this it’s a snap hook or a banana slice

  4. Bright-Diamond6904

    What people don’t realize is how minuscule of a movement closing or opening the face 1 degree is. But it’s that one degree that helps him draw/fade the ball.

    It’s almost nothing.

  5. Every time except since he was high and wrecked his car.

  6. OldBoringWeirdo

    Ah, I see now. He’s much more talented than me.

  7. Careful_Cheesecake30

    Pardon my ignorance, but what do they mean by drop the foot?

  8. HayesDNConfused

    What about ball position? Back in the stance for a draw and up in the stance for a fade?

  9. MrMoo151515

    Club face is mostly direction the ball will start.

    Club path influences curvature on the ball.

    Concepts are straightforward, execution to switch back and forth between draw and fades is difficult.

  10. shift013

    There are many ways you can hit a draw. When he says “open the face” he means point it to the right.

    If he opens the face 3 degrees and swings further out to the right, he will get side spin on the ball. YouTube how to hit a draw.

    Do the opposite for a fade

  11. Richard-Turd

    I can do that. Both shots, once in my life. Tiger has lost a step.

  12. FullSidalNudity

    So it’s two factor, 1) he is changing his swing path towards the ball 2) he is very, very slightly adjusting the face at address so that the ball starts in the right path from the aforementioned swing path. If you hit a draw you want the ball to start a little right of target and if you hit a fade you want it to start a little left of target so that shape ends up back on the target.

  13. drunkmunky88

    My draws start out right too but they never come back

  14. Mymemesarewell

    This guy seems pretty good. Did he go pro?

  15. Captain_Pink_Pants

    Changing the alignment of your feet changes your swing path. Changing your face angle in the opposite direction increases the difference between path and face angles, creating side spin. There are lots of ways to do it… this one is very simple and repeatable.

  16. Hylian_ina_halfshell

    Thats a fade? Looks almost dead straight to me

  17. THE_mzngglfblwckrgy

    Man, wouldn’t it be cool to be Rob and hang out with Tiger all day?

  18. chesterlynimble

    So Tiger is saying my six degrees of Kevin Bacon is too much?

  19. FaithlessnessOdd6738

    He can’t hit a draw to save his life anymore

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