Golf Tips

2 month progress

I started about two months ago and have absolutely hyper fixated on fixing my slice. Any critiques appreciated. I’m also coming off an injury so not trying to blast it and just let the club do the work. TIA!

by PalmTreeCharli



  2. SenyorHefe

    your grip is a big contributor to your slice.. With your thumb down the shaft like that it’ll have a tendency to push on the club without your intention. Makes your hands very flippy and that contributes to you open face slices.. Get your grip looked at and adjusted.. The grip isn’t there to flip the clubhead at the ball to help the ball into the air..

  3. Extra_Implement_9281

    I would focus on two things. If you stop at 21 seconds, I think your hands track well on the takeback but you fold your right arm way too soon and should focus on getting width up to that :21 point. I like to think of keeping my left arm as straight as possible, I might bend my left elbow 5 degrees at the top of my backswing. After that I think your problem is your shoulder turn. You’re barely rotating at all. Without losing good balance and posture, think about pointing your sternum as opposite of the target, or think get you spine facing the target. With better width and a full shoulder turn you will get way more distance. This will be a whole new tempo so expect to get worse before you get better. One of my favorite drills for rotating back and through the ball is one handed, left hand chipping. Try to keep your arm straight and just let your body rotation add the distance. Focus only on clean ball contact, left or right no big deal, but if you can hit one hand chips 25 yards that gets in the air you will get a lot better. Your slice will hopefully improve with a better shoulder turn and taking the arms out of your swing power. But also think of starting your downswing by opening your left hip to the target and make sure your body is pulling your arms through the swing to a good finish.

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