Golf Simulator

I was WRONG about the Square Golf Launch Monitor (Oops!)

I was WRONG about the Square Golf Launch Monitor (Oops!)

We recently reviewed the new Square Golf Launch Monitor and needless to say, that video generated A LOT of questions…so we’re back to dig in and set the record straight!

Other Videos Mentioned in this Video
⚡️ Square Golf Launch Monitor Review ➡️
⚡️ Rapsodo vs Garmin Accuracy Test ➡️
⚡️ Home Garage Simulator Build ➡️
⚡️ PUTTR Putting Review ➡️
⚡️ AirBreak Putting Review ➡️

Products and Gear Mentioned in this Video
HDMI Adapter for iPad ➡️
Square Golf Launch Monitor ➡️
Rapsodo MLM2PRO ➡️
Foresight GC3 ➡️
Garmin R10 ➡️
⭐️ Use Code “GOLFICITY10” to get the best price!

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⏰ Timecodes ⏰
0:00 – Intro
1:17 – Square Golf Integration with 3rd Party Software
3:16 – Who is Square Golf?
6:05 – Accuracy vs Garmin R10 & Rapsodo MLM2PRO
9:47 – Does the Square Golf Launch Monitor Work Outdoors?
12:04 – Does Square Golf Work with the Titleist RCT Ball?
13:45 – How to Set Up Square Golf with a Projector Screen
15:26 – Does Square Golf Work Both Lefty and Righty?
17:37 – How Do Square Golf Credits Work?
20:47 – Does Square Golf Provide Club Data?
22:41 – Final Thoughts

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  1. As for distance disparities for new hardware, the Garmin R10 was horribly inaccurate until its first major update months later.

    NOT the same price range with Garmin R10 ($495) or Rapsodo MLM2PRO ($500). First, the price for the Square is NOT $699. It's $666 (the mark of Satan). They do this price so the 20% VAT makes it $799. Second, it's NOT $799… It's $799 British pounds or $1075 US dollars. But NOT in the US as that includes a 66% Import Fee – making it $1,691 USD. Three times the R10/MLM2PRO.

    I can tell you the Garmin R10 does NOT require RCT balls IF you give it enough room (the disadvantage to radar), elevate it the same amount as the height of your mat, and calibrate it for each session. But at a price of $1,691, you should also include in the comparison the SkyTrac+ (open box for $2,000), which also does putting. I want to hear more about the dotted balls. What do they cost and how can I make them at home? I tried Square Support but no response. The accuracy of the MLM2PRO comes from the dual cameras. But I'd argue most golfers can't hit close enough for it to matter. And again, you're not seeing the true accuracy possible with the Garmin if the RCT balls made much of a difference. You must have AT LEAST 17 feet to the screen.

    Gramin R10 has NO subscription fee for ball data and very cool driving range use (with automatic video being taken). And I am NOT locked into the subscription for Garmin Home Tee Hero as I can easily turn it on and off for each month. No subscription fee for Awesome Golf (lifetime for $300). At my usage, the 42,000 course Garmin Home Tee Hero is cheaper than the 12 here. This is all likewise true for the Rapsodo MLM2PRO. NO subscription fee for ball data and nearly as cool driving range usage.

    NOTE: I am also currently using Golf Shot Analytics (with Garmin and Awesome profiles) and Golf Fix AI Coach.

    The clear winners are #1 Garmin R10 (for longer battery and cheap 42k maps), #2 Rapsodo MLM2PRO (#1 for most people), #3 SkyTrac+ (#1 for features), and the Square gets an F due to not working outside (no range, no course, no backyard cage). Indoor means no room for friends or projector. The last video had projector at 8.5ft right over the golfer. Will NOT work. 10ft not enough.

  2. YES. I would very much like to see a breakdown of the club data this unit can supply. Description says it can do swing path and face angle. Can it do ball impact location on the face?

  3. Square golf confirmed third-party integration with E6 is imminent with Apex & GSPRO to follow in the near future. Biggest downside at the moment is not being able to see ball and club data on the same screen with the driving range/shot tracer mode

  4. I love that the home sim market is getting more products in this price range. Unfortunately, I’m a left and I often play with right handed golfers so the square golf sim is a no go for me. I currently own a garmin r10 and I’ll be sticking with it

  5. Problem is – it’s STILL pay to USE… it’s just a slightly different model. It’s a lot cheaper than the rapsodo though so that’s good but I also just want to play GSpro. Unfortunately to me this is still just another greedy company (they don’t loose money on the hardware folks).

  6. I contacted Square Golf after your video
    Because you said it was a Full Simulator implying that it INCLUDED the Projector
    I contacted them and they asked me to send them the LINK to your video

    But, I was so UNHAPPY to find out it did not include the projector that I just gave up
    on the SQUARE all together

  7. Now that I know it is made by exputt. I want to add something. They can be very slow to update. The exputt has received one update this year and it was minor. It received 1 or 2 last year. You can see this on the main menu when you start it up. They also have missed a big opportunity to make exputt open source or have an API that would allow you to add putting to other monitors(There are work arounds). Don't get me wrong I really like the Exputt but those are my only two complaints. I think this is because they are a small company and probably have a small dev team which is why I think they should really look to have apis for both the square and exputt. One question how do you get more balls, and/or is there a template so you can use your own balls?

  8. Great content thanks.
    My exputt is arriving in the next few hours. I watched a lot of reviews but what would be good is an accuracy test of face and path if that is possible and it would be great to see if you could measure distance accurately. Can you use it outside and take the foam roller off and hit 40 & 50ft putts and measure how far the ball actually travels on a real green?

  9. There is also a good chance of them adding multiplayer in the future because that is one thing they did add to exputt.

  10. Have you tried using the RPT ball with the Square? , It would have been an interesting test.

  11. I have Rapsodo first version and PRGR for my indoor set up and both always read about 40-50 yards short and anything past 7 iron never goes higher than 140 yards, even 3 wood and driver lol. Club head speed is 30+mph slow. I wonder if this Square launch monitor would be accurate with the cameras. It is a pretty basic set up…giant black net with large range mat. I don't understand what the problem is

  12. Seems like every time a new launch monitor comes out it’s always a waiting game for it to get better. The concept of a launch monitor is nothing new. I don’t get why a company can’t just nail it for the majority of people that just want to hit balls at home for a reasonable price without the BS. I’m an MLM2PRO user and went through the BS it’s finally at a point with a Bluetooth connector with GSPro I’m having a solid experience. Really been eyeing the eye mini lite but not sold yet.

  13. I took a chance on them, because of their launch / club data (based on your initial video). I don’t care much for course sim play. Mine just arrived 2 days ago. Thanks for the update!

  14. I REPEAT this is the future of launch monitors. their prices on coins is best ive seen. need to sell my Skycrap ASAP

  15. If it could be used outside I'd buy immediately. Sadly I generally use my mat/net outdoors and like having my garmin at the range.

  16. Is this the cheapest camera base launch monitor? I don't have a lot of space

  17. I also would like to see how club data work, especially because the R10 and the rapsodo can NOT do it! Great explanations on the Square so far!

  18. If they do get 3rd party connection with GSpro or something, without an increase in cost, that would be a game changer.
    The credit system really isn't too bad. With a group of 4 people, based on the cost of credits: about 13 rounds of golf for $19.99, which equals about $1.50 per player per round. This can easily last you a month for $20.
    If you were to buy into the $2k+ range systems that also have a $200 + subscription a year fee, your system would already be 4 or 5 years old before you even start to break even on cost, playing golf constantly, over square golf.

  19. The disparity in subscription is huge, especially for those playing sim with friends. The $200 dollars a year for the MLM gets you 138 rounds with 4 buddies on the square. I’m not playing that much each year.

  20. Hey all – got my square launch monitor (LM) a week ago and here are some things I have noticed. Take them or leave them:
    1. The LM is very responsive and I have had 0 missed shots. Actually very impressed with how snappy the data loads and the putting has been great.
    2. The native golf app within square……..leaves something to be desired. I did not see an option to adjust which tee boxes I wanted to play as well as many other options that are pretty out of the box in other software. And the MINI MAP. Lord where do I start with this. It's terrible. You cannot select specific locations on the hole and get what distance is it. Example, I can't click a fairway bunker and it tell me how far it is. You can't interact with the mini map at all. I am sure they will update this, but doesn't really seem like someone who really knew golf created these settings. Having said that, the graphics are great.
    3. I do feel the spin is a little underestimated. I have been trying to hit huge cuts and rope hooks and it doesn't QUITE register the amount of spin I would expect from those shots. Again – can be updated I am sure.
    4. I have no issue with the pricing structure whatsoever. At face value – sure it can seem a little sketchy the way they market "no subscription." But it's technically not. If you just want to use the range, it's free. If you use GSPro or E6 (pending integration), you have no cost to you from Square. Based on my public school math, if you wanted to play one round of golf every day for an entire year it would cost about $130. Seems pretty reasonable to me given some of the costs of other subscriptions.
    5. The main reason I moved from my R10 (which I still have) to this model, was because of the technology. Garmin and Rapsodo use doppler in their hardware, which is problematic when you have other things around you. For instance, I have a heated garage and when it kicks on, my Garmin stops working completely. Obviously, this is not ideal during the winter.
    6. I had HUGE issues with short chip shots with my Garmin. It would not register anything under 10 yards basically (assuming the club speed was too low for it to pick up). I have not experienced this with the Square at all.

    Overall: I am sure I will continue to discover more as I use the Square, but I much prefer it to the Garmin (especially factoring in the putting). As the software continues to develop and they get more consumer feedback (which they seem receptive to), this product will only get better. And for $700, it's definitely worth a shot. Having said that – we are entering the winter season where many of these companies will start teasing the new generations of their previous LMs.

  21. I have my unit and testing now, the putting is dead on the feel. I am testing against the R10 now and hoping to be rid of interference forever!

  22. I wonder how the introduction of 3rd party software connections will affect their pay as you play model…. its in their best interest to not have 3rd party softwares unless they jack the base price of the unit significantly or create a subscription to unlock 3rd party software which we all dont want….

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