How to Break 90 – Nine Rules Every 90 Breaker Knows

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  1. Thanks Matt. I used to average 95, I now average 85. Literally just playing smarter, and adjusting expectations – the way of the playa.

  2. matt is really one of the few that actually give legit tips on how to play and get better instead of "fixing" your game/swing etc. keep up the good work.

  3. What would you think on tee shot setup, if I always line up the line on the ball to the target, about then it no longer adding value to look up to your target? Seems like if you line up the ball perfect and setup to the ball, that should be enough (and perhaps not “too much”).

  4. Rule 5 reminds me of some wise words an old sage once told me. He said
    "Don't get mad, don't get blue. Frankenstein was ugly too"

  5. Just broke 90 for the first time this weekend and ironically on the hardest course I’ve ever played. Didn’t take any wood out of the bag hit 4 iron off the tee every time didn’t lose a single ball and shot an 85

  6. I land on Phuket in 47 days Playa. I didn't know you had the same shirt as me, that's mint. Where did you get it? I got mine from a strange guy on youtube.

  7. These videos will never get old for me. It is the perfect combo of tips and humor for me. Please never stop making videos. Idk what I will do if I'm 80 and cant hear you call me a stinky-winky everyday. Apreciate what you do MAtt.

  8. Love the video! Just ordered a polo and divot tool from your site. Do you know if you will ever have the Confidential Putter in lefty? I love the look of it, and would love to have it in a left handed model.

  9. I subscribed to Whataplaya this spring and unsubscribed from all other YouTubers. I dropped 10 shots in that time thanks to you!

  10. Just broke 100, today. 2nd season of golf ever and took to the way of the Playa like a moth to flame. Just have to tune up my approach play and breaking 90 will be within reach. Appreciate the consistency and reminders to stay true to the Way of the Playa.

  11. When your swing is bad you said use the punch shot or the half swing. That was my last round. I was terribly stiff and never got comfortable at all. Irons as a half shot ARE something I have used all my life. Ugly round. Got out of there at 91. Usually, on my home course, which is where I played, I can easily get an 84 to 88. Folks, that tip is a keeper. Anyone can hit a punch shot straight, anyone.

  12. That last camera setup on the green is under rated. Standing in front of the pin with the flag fluttering in full view *chefs kiss

  13. Thank you for another helpful video. I am confident I will reach 90 by the end of our golf season (6 weeks left max) I started my season in late April with a 118 by May 23 111, 108 the next week. Last week I shot a 96, 95, 92, 97 , I am focused on staying out of trouble, using the clubs I’m confident in ( as you have said) , I’m thinking positive and will be disappointed should I not achieve my goal. Cheers from Canada

  14. Anyone ever going to tell him that he wants to use the word “confidence” not “confidentiality?” 😅😂😅

  15. Been using your course management advice this entire golf season. Now scoring in low mid 80’s and had rounds where high 70’s was in reach. Thanks for the advice and encouragement.

  16. ive broken 90 8 of the last 10 rounds ive played. at the start of this year i broke 90 1 in every 4/5 rounds.ever since watching these videos i dont hit driver almost at all anymore, get the ball in play and go from there.

  17. When I was shooting around 100, I would get into a rhythm of hitting the ball beautifully but then I'd film myself, watch swing videos and change my swing. Hit it like ass all over again. Then I stopped watching swing change videos and just watch what the ball was doing and figured it out from there on my own and my handicap dropped down quickly

  18. 3:30 even with this you have to be careful. I was aiming my feet right for so long it looks natural (looks straight). My instructor called me out on it and I was like nah bruh. He proved it on camera. Not a huge deal I could hit it straight, but something to watch out for your eyes play tricks. Also was worse the longer the club so driver is the only time I adjust now and just aim my feet what feels a tad left.

  19. Word of advice for athletes/strong folk getting into the game: if you can mash your over 270 yards, you can hit an easier club 200-220. This is the tee shot you need to rely on while you keep the driver mostly reserved for the driving range. Every now and then, let that big dog eat. You got a wide open fairway with a lot of space on your miss side with the driver? Go for it. Get comfortable with the driver on the course by SLOWLY implementing it on holes that won't punish you too bad if you slice/hook it 50 yards.
    Us big hitters are punished for our distance. The reason is simple: the farther the ball goes, the farther off the center line it goes the direction you missed, no matter how small. Utilize your power and put an easier club to hit in your hand until you get better. 220 between the trees beats 290 on the other fairway (usually 😉)

  20. I am now breaking 90 about half the time.
    Keys to my thinking are to make more pars than double bogeys, and VERY SELDOM anything worse. By avoiding penalties and "blowup holes." Matt's strategy makes this doable, even for a short- hitting old man.

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