Golf Tips

No idea what an item is in the golf bag I bought?


Just recently bought a left handed golf bag and I'm unsure as to what an item is I thought it would be to mark where the golf ball has landed while some else has taken a shot but now I'm not sure any help is appreciated.

by jacka96


  1. SurfingPizza_

    It’s an old golf tee. You put it into the ground to get dirt and then use the dirt to tee your ball up

  2. AccomplishedSpeed256

    Looks like an old cigarette lighter for your car

  3. Lloyd--Christmas

    Did you buy the bag from Patrick Reed? Looks like vasoline.

  4. ScooterMcTavish

    Seeing as it looks like it has a cap and a sponge, and the sponge levers up – guessing a cleaning sponge you can moisten before your round.

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