Golf Tips

Miss has been wipey fades

better swings from the day, i’ve been trying to shallow my swing more, it’s just quite steep. Any recommended drills are welcome.

by AidanIsDed


  1. BaggerVance_

    The simplest thing you can do from hear is start to rotate or flex your wrist inward.

    Many pros that like this swing start the wrist flexion. Morikawa and Spieth.

    I still am told by my coach you still need to get time, width or depth in downswing but the wrist flexion cures it immediately.

  2. BrockForsey

    I would try to get your hands deeper in the backswing. Your hips stop turning in the backswing and this causes your arms to just lift without getting deeper. If you open your hip more in the backswing, that might get your arms and hands deeper and give you more room to swing from the inside.

    Your right hip is also very active in the downswing. This is why I think it will help to get more hip turn and depth in the backswing. You will have more room in the downswing to swing from the inside.

    Really good looking move here. You’re really close to getting what you want out of the swing.

    Let me know if you’d be interested in my help!

  3. MustCatchTheBandit

    Pretty solid. Nice takeaway, good shallowing. I like the pattern.

    Only issue is your lower body stops rotating at P7 and you pull down on the handle which dumps your angles and causes the path to go out to in and you start standing up. Your left heel lifts off the ground which indicates your pressure is staying on your toes.

    It’s functional and mostly good, but with a bit of a hand path issue.

  4. BasieShanks

    Your whole body is moving toward the ball during the downswing. That’s why your shaft is steep. There is a lot of knee flex happening.

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