Found at a thrift store today! Debating if I should actually use it or keep in the box? lol

It’s so cool I do kinda want to use it while playing, but it also looks real good in the box… thoughts??

by pMj_7887


  1. magneticspace

    Use it or someone will find it like you did when your grandkid has a yard sale.

  2. jackiemoon50

    Alternatively if you don’t feel like using it you could always put it in a cool golf display at your house if you have enough stuff to do it with

  3. gravyrobbers69

    Listen, the course is expensive for one reason only… to keep poor people away. There’s nothing special or valuable about this. Use it, throw it away, doesn’t make a difference.

  4. SlickLegJohnny

    I used to always want to save things, but the older Im getting the more I realize that if I save it I will forget about it and then I might as well never had it, but if I use it I get to see it and enjoy it a lot more.

    So I would go for it and enjoy the thing. Super cool find

  5. iamthecheesethatsbig

    If you don’t use it, you lose it.

  6. TFWG2000

    PLEASE USE IT! I am so tired of fixing other people’s ball marks.

  7. gregPooganus28

    Is there a difference between golf links and links golf….why is there a tree logo

  8. UnderstandingSquare7

    Live large, use it! You’ve got a lucky charm in your pocket when you play now!

  9. 814northernlights

    I’ve used that exact one before. I own one. I never liked it for actually fixing ball marks. Nothing beats just a tee on the greens I play. So I’d just put it in a drawer. You do you though.

  10. babe_ruthless3

    I just bought a metal divot tool similar to this on Temu for $3. With this being said, I’d put it on display and buy a cheapo that will do the same thing.

  11. Chiefs24x7

    I love this. It does look cool in the box, but you gotta use it.


    It’s pointless keeping shit in its box. Use it!

  13. New_Honeydew_5099

    Do you collect divot tools? yes save it, no use it and show it off.

  14. Mabtizzy

    Use it for two seasons, so it gets the look of utility, then put it away for special occasion. That what I do. Still have mine.

  15. Bright-Committee2447

    I keep my Masters ball maker in the case. Don’t need ro lose that thing

  16. TheMemeStar24

    Use it and lend it to everyone you play with just to flex

  17. Electronic_Lake3363

    I found a pebble peach ball at my local course in Alabama I don’t know who woulda hit it and not tried to look for it…was sitting in the rough on the side of a fairway next to some bushes I guess they thought it went into them

  18. DougyTwoScoops

    Keep it in the box so your kids can donate it to goodwill as a new in box item.

  19. Dicklefart

    Could’ve been from Costco lol people keep fooling me with that damn bag

  20. Gullible_Blood2765

    Use it, no collector value if that’s what you’re thinking

  21. william_cutting_1

    Easy to pretend you have played Pebble: just say the course was beautiful but play was slow due to tourists….

  22. _B_Little_me

    That’s just a pro shop trinket. Isn’t worth much. Just use it. What good does it do sitting in the box?

  23. Reach-around69

    I used mine lost it on the course , if you want it to keep. Keep it in the box

  24. MrSwidgen

    I played pebble for my 40, 10 years ago, and that looks nearly identical to the one I got there. It’s absolutely not a valuable collector’s item. I’d say open that baby up and fix all those greens you’re denting!!

  25. GarretWJ

    If you’ve never played there it’s just another repair tool. Unless its some collector item that someone will pay more than like $300 for. Fuck it. Cool find though

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