Golf Tips

Hate my backswing help

I tend to pull my ball i want to push it what should I improve

by TheGreenWizzard


  1. Trail elbow should push in front a bit more to allow you to clear, and it should feel like it reconnects to your side on the downswing. That will make it nearly impossible to get that slight pull swing you are doing… If you’re still getting pulls then it’s club face, turn your trail hand slightly more palm down (left hand if you are lefty per vid). That will make it harder to snap face shut


    That vid shows what I mean…

  2. BrockForsey

    You never hinge your wrists in the backswing. So when you don’t hinge or set the club vertically it’s hard to hit the ball far without any wrist angle. Not necessarily cupping just some leverage. So your brain will then have you make a really long backswing to try to generate some power. So then your swing gets loose and inconsistent.

    Lets start with setup. Your shoulders are pointed right so you’re encouraging a pull. Close those shoulders. Do this by softening your left elbow. Your shoulders should have some tilt because your left hand is below your right hand.

    Backswing tee drill:

    • ⁠Stick a tee in the butt of the club
    • ⁠Takeaway the tee is pointing at your belly button area
    • ⁠Left arm parallel it is pointed between your toes and ground
    • ⁠Top of the backswing it should be pointed towards the camera here but parallel to your target line

    Yours currently points to your target line at takeaway. Well outside of the ball at parallel.

    Hopefully this helps tighten up your backswing. It’s a little loose and that will cause inconsistent strikes.

    Let me know if you’d like my help with this!

  3. SenyorHefe

    It’s just too long, swing at what feels like 75% and fire from there. At address try to keep your left elbow pit preference pointed up more than out to your side. This should help minimize the chicken wing affect and help unify your shoulder/arm structure that’s collapsing..

  4. MasterpieceMain8252

    U have two main issues: casting and OTT.

    OTT: This can be solved easily by keeping the elbows together throughout the swing

    Casting: you aren’t hinging the wrist early enough. If it’s for irons and assuming it’s full swing, if your lead arm(right in your case) gets parallel to the ground during backswing, the club should be pointing straight up at 90 degrees. Then that angle should be maintained throughout downswing. Since u didn’t hinge early, that’s gonna create a reflex reaction for club and result in early release

  5. Buy-The-Dip-1979

    Keep the club face pointed at your ball longer… Like where it is pointing at your pile of balls it should still be pointed more down towards the ball you are hitting

    From the top you throw your hands at the ball instead more straight down.. think about straightening your trail arm here to get them to go down instead of out… This also gets your elbow in front of you more. This is why your swing outside in and pull the ball, or if you keep the face open slice it.

    Otherwise I would say the overall movement and athletesism is pretty good. There is more but these two things are the lowest hanging fruit and will make the biggest difference.

    Also note: expect a regression before progression making these 2 changes. Stick with it and practice it often, making any changes requires commitment and time and fighting through frustration.

  6. jeffchris7

    Your swing plan has a slight casting motion. You pull back slow (good) and flat (issues). Your downswing starts right. Hips move, shoulders rotate, but you come down over the top a bit too much. Elbows look pretty good.

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