Golf Players

Bryson Dechambeau’s Golf Coach Fixes my Slice with this Game Changing Golf Lesson

Today I get a golf lesson to stop slicing the golf ball and fix my the golf swing. I was slicing my driver and irons out of nowhere, and after we change my backswing and downswing, I started hitting draws and not coming over the top. My golf coach Dana Dahlquist goes over the proper way to use golf swing kinematics to do this, and we also go over golf tips and drills to achieve all this.

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00:00 Intro
00:47 Establish A Solid Base
05:16 Improve Backswing Posture
18:35 Master The Downswing
24:29 Focus On The Fundamentals
29:41 Address Common Swing Faults

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  1. I told you in a previous video, an X-Stiff shaft is NOT for you. You will be slicing when you get tired. You have to get fitted by a pro, not a salesman.

  2. Gold content and a lot of little gems from Dana. Empathise with Jerome given how much he wants to understand / perfect the swing.

  3. Great video!! With that swing that you have developed you have no excuse to not break 80. I really like Dana's advice to play with good players. I think you will see how much smoother and with a slower tempo most pros or good amateurs swing. Just by watching you will pick up some great habits. Once you have grooved your swing you will be able to swing faster without jumping out of your shoes- and still hit accurate shots.

  4. videos perfect on time I fixed my slice with driver myself with grip and now all what he says makes sense, started golf seriously in April, am now a 14-handicap going to try get below 12 before end of the year. have no driving ranges here by me so just practice drills in my room on setup and feel and repetition to build muscle memory and feels. thanks @jerome

  5. Wanna fix slice?? Hold back to target while bringing arms down near right pocket, from there arms goes away from you then it naturally comes back to left shoulder at the finish, just keep swinging thru

    Let your arms swing past your body

  6. Watching this through a couple times now, every time u make a one handed right handed back swing you leave the shoulder open and have it wayyyy behind. Every time. Maybe don't do the one handed back swing? Seems to be reinforcing something that he eventually stops staying not to do… even though u keep doing it. Feel the back turn with both hands on the club… my feel is to "Stay connected" with arms and upper torso, when it gets disconnected all sorts of things can happen. Keep at the grind! Have fun on the course!! This guy drops gems every time!

  7. 36:10 Maybe he shouldn’t have left Chris as a coach — at least he hooked him up with some good college players to team up with. Since then he just plays alone with his camera guy which is kind of depressing to watch …

  8. interesting listening to the top coaches……one thing that does surprise me is that he hasn't asked you to try and hold your finish, seems like you're bailing out before the swing is complete….of course I know absolutely jack about coaching haha just more from a visual perspective lol

  9. It's never too late to switch swing styles… Check out the Single Plane Swing or the Stack & Tilt method. Both are very repeatable, more consistent once you learn them and if you are out of sequence with those swings, it's easier to diagnose the problem. I'm self taught with Todd Graves single plane swing and I started when you did (year and half ago)… I've already broke 80 a few times this year (on courses I've played regularly), but typically shoot between 80 – 85, even on courses I'm trying for the first time. My handicap dropped considerably in 1 year from high double digits down to an 8.5. Take a look at Bryson's address position when he drives.. it's a hybrid of the single plane swing and a conventional golf swing!

  10. thank you very much Jerome, i don't think the golf world yet understand what you've done for it.
    offering to us all this HIGH END quality content that used to be reveled only to an elite of golfer, i can tell you that in 10 years the golf level will evolve to a point never expected thank to people like you, that help us to improve in a way we could never have without all this content.
    you can to this !
    LET'S GO !

  11. jerome already told you. RESET AFTER EACH SHOT. STOP STAYING AT ADRESS AFTER A SHOT, it is lazy, it is no healthy habit, you don't train you brain to setup at each shot. please you're not a gatling gun. ROUTINE IS A KEY

  12. I’ve always wondered why he sticks is right arm as ridiculously far behind him as possible when rehearsing a position without a club. I was relieved to finally see Dana tell him to STOP doing that 😂.

  13. I hope this helps everyone. We tend not to use any lessons/training on the course because We stand up to look for the ball after we strike it on the course/practice range and a hard habit to break UNLESS you have a spotter or 100's watching with TV cameras that let them watch and stay behind the ball-THEN LET THE HEAD/EYES COME UP NATURALLY SO WE STAY IN POSTURE. Let your camera man or fellow golfers watch the ball flight. Another vid observation-Don't know why Dana tells you to stop pulling your arm behind you when you simulate the back swing w/o a club and you keep doing it. Hope you get to scratch and you tolerate us and the idiots as you get better. Based on one of them, You should play against Chris real soon…. That would be a must watch 3hr full video I'd watch.

  14. The difficulty of golf is indicated by how many make a living teaching it, or rather at least submental income. Most who get good enough to teach have seen a lot of different methodologies in how to get the most success, what works. So, it's fluid you teach what the student can learn as I understand it in this method is similar to stacking blocks. Or building a house with foundation, basement, 1st floor etc.

    Example, hit a little punch shot, is it near perfect or very good, move on to a 3/4, full shot, or try one the nine shots of golf. Also works for different clubs. Most people can't get there. I can't, when you do you will probably be scratch.

  15. Honestly think that your videos with Dana are the best golf instructional videos on YouTube. And I've watched thousands of them, so I should know 🤓

  16. WTF is that ARM move you keep doing LMFAO you keep throwing your arm behind you to Narnia … he keeps saying don't do that 🤣🤣🤣, this is probably worse then we would all look also , thanks for the content Boss !

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