Golf Courses

Should alcohol be BANNED on the golf course?

Should alcohol be BANNED on the golf course?

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  1. While my club (USA located) allows alcohol on the course, I seldom encounter someone drinking while playing and never so during comps, Those that do drink while playing a casual round are discrete about it.

  2. Ban it. There's literally no benefit to drinking alcohol on a gilf course. Only negatives, and this course experiencing 5grand damages in a single day is enough proof. That could be the difference between a budget course finishing in profit, or at a loss for the month or even year. Just ban it

  3. If banning alochol on the course was started in the beginning, we would of not had golf courses or players….That being said, on my course no Alochol is allowed on the course and in the club house we only serve beer and wine….along with soft drinks….

  4. The world is heading towards shorts and non-collared shirts and music and legal weed. Going backwards with attire rules and alcohol rules in 2024 is a sure way to lose business and close the doors.

  5. I never drink during a round ,(except water ), but I enjoy my beer, spritz or wine AFTERwards – who gets drunk when playing golf is an idiot – but afterwards it's nice to sit together over a drink!

  6. drinking and driving is dangerous.

    a term I've learned for events is "discreetly damp" which basically means you can drink as long as you don't call attention to yourself in the process.

  7. At least our football fans can sit together in America 😂 Social media doesn’t help the issue with drinking on course to be fair and we do have idiots here

  8. I don't drink at all so this wouldn't effect me. But over serving has a ton to do with it most courses don't have any way to tell how much one person has bought with there being multiple cart girls and then getting drinks at the turn. They should have a system that would make it so you can tell how much someone has had. I can't tell you how many times on a weekend I've been paired with someone who just keeps getting hard liquor and can barely walk by hole 16.

  9. There's a major difference between a person drinking a beer or 2 on the course and someone drinking like they're at the waste management.

  10. Live in the south of Portugal… And I am about to leave the course where I am a member because we can’t stand the drunk people on the course. Beer cans everywhere, people fighting because slow pace, no respect of the étiquette, loud music, 5 balls… it is a nightmare for us locals. Even the Marshall can’t do anything as he is alone in front of 4 completly drunk guys.

    But beers bring a lot of money to the club….

    These people are not here for the Game. They are here to party with their friends!

  11. Good call Rick! Most of the people with a drivers license can’t handle the responsibility of a car or make responsible choices when getting behind the wheel… drinking texting sexting etc ! Don’t punish the responsible people just throw the dumbass’ in jail or wreck their credit score!!!!

  12. Shouldn't be banned but golf etiticate should be inforced by the clubs. If you can't maintain that then you should be removed from the course. I love a beer or 5 after a round and I don't mind if people are drinking on the course but it gets out of control. I fancy it's an american thing that social media has introduced to the UK game. Played with an American guy who said that that people are on the packets now whilst playing a round in west coast USA!?
    Playing mid day in Wales on the weekend is a nightmare on a lot of courses in summer, lads playing 5 balls hanging off the back of buggies with tesco bags of booze… it's out of hand.

  13. Drinking in moderation while on the course shouldn't be frowned upon. Filming yourself drinking excessively with three other guys reaching a combined audience of over 3,000,000 people, essentially encouraging the behavior, well, that might be frowned upon. It wasn't this bad until social media and "influencers" starting making it mainstream and appear acceptable.

  14. Bob Does Sports is a good example of what NOT to do with alcohol on the golf course. I stopped watching them because their content became too much about partying and boozing and less about playing golf and making good content.

  15. No. Drinks shouldn’t be banned. Drunks should, but in the same way airlines do.

    Get blacklisted from one course and your name is shared with all the courses in your county / state and you’re done with them all.

  16. I’m a big believer of the beer plateau.
    A beer or two settles the nerves and helps my game, but one too many and it falls off a cliff.
    The same phenomenon is true in pool and darts.

    If you keep drinking after that on a golf course then you’re an asshole.

  17. What? People are driving golf buggies while drinking alcohol?? Here in Sweden it’s just as illegal to drive a golf buggy as it is to drive any other vehicle if you’ve been drinking. And it doesn’t matter if you’re only driving it on he golf course, it’s illegal wherever you drive it. So, if you’re found driving a golf cart and you have more than 0.02% alcohol in your system (which is basically like half a beer for an average man, less for a average woman) you will most likely lose your drivers license, or worse. I wonder if it’s actually legal in other countries, or if people just do it anyway?

  18. Want to get hammered and "play" golf? That's what Top Golf (USA) is for. Respect the game and keep the drinking to the 19th hole.

  19. Drinking meh … what’s worse is teeing off with someone still under the influence … why you ask, it’s not too bad on the front 9 but when they start sobering up and the Hangover kicks in on the Back 9 …. Everyone suffers!

  20. According to Kier Starlin, the pubs should be closed earlier. He will close them down if he can. So of course it will be banned on the golf course. Join and vote Reform!

  21. I don’t drink, don’t agree with drink on the course due to danger element and becomes reckless behaviour and spoils it for the rest of the golfers on the courses.

    After a round yes in the club support your club as long as you’re not driving.

    Def think it’s an Americanism that’s ruining this world for rest of us

  22. I’m a fairly decent player (low single figures) and have found only sh!t players drink during the round so if you are sh!t and need to drink to enjoy it don’t bother playing and just go to the bar

  23. Somebody having a beer during their round impacts nobody else, and just like somebody not drinking, they just need to be responsible.

  24. I have visited a number of golf courses over the years and found discarded beer bottle tops and cans strewn around instead of using the waste bins provided. The most annoying is the metal beer tops thrown on the fairway and light rough which must play havoc with the greenkeepers cutting machinery. Needless to say I have avoided joining any of these clubs .

  25. My home course had a problem with tournaments/non members damaging the carts (often tied to excessive drinking). So this year they started a new system. Those in the cart have to give name and credit card info and sign a waiver to any damage. It has drastically cut down on the amount BS happening to the carts. Except the one that someone crashed and wrote off. But the club had their credit card so swipe and see ya.

  26. Just because people like it doesn’t make it right. This is what happens when working class are allowed into the sport. Making sport more accessible doesn’t make it better.

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