Golf Tips

Good day at the range (mat) but I always top it on the course. How come?

I’m a beginner golfer. I think my swing looks shallow, but I don’t really know what I’m looking for. Any tips?

by Bollziepon


  1. I find mats are incredibly forgiving. It’s not really even comparable to hitting on grass for me.

  2. Mats are very forgiving…its common to hit well off mats and then hit fats shots off grass.

    Topping it would be less common, thats generally caused by the low point being behind the ball and you catch the ball on the upswing.. If your course is very hard, you could be hitting well behind the ball and the club is skipping/bouncing up and causing a top

    Try a few drills on the range. A good one is a towel drill, where you lay a towel an inch behind the ball and try to hit shots without touching the towel

  3. Birdhawk

    Hold up. Is that a drive in movie theater just outside the end of the range. And if not, that’d be a sick place for the range to project sports and stuff on the weekends.

  4. sacredstones

    Probably getting excited to see where the ball goes and lifting your head early when you are on the course. Swing thought should be to keep your head and shoulders down through impact

  5. likethevegetable

    Notice how your trail bicep is going behind your ribs… You’re gonna want to to fix that.

  6. WolfoTheN97

    Hands are too low, no shaft lean and you need more shoulder turn. Get tall

  7. uptownyat

    Because you’re a picker. Need shaft lean and probably decreased AoA. Train your impact position

  8. fanglazy

    On course you are hitting off varying levels and lies so that low point in your swing is going to be varied.

    Versus on a range it’s consistent lying flat and an ideal position.

    Try working on a pre shot routine that takes that into account and find that low point where your club is bottoming out.

  9. Invisible_assasin

    Mat (or grass range) is flat, level lie. Only time you have that is in tee box. Otherwise you’re dealing with above/below your feet, etc…..also, muscle memory at range works a lot better because you have much less time between shots. My advice would be to make sure you take ample practice strokes until you fell confident in your stroke. What helped me most was reading the number on ball as I hit and not looking till ball is well on its way. I always have the “keep head down” swing thought, but a good golfer told me k was still picking my head up- like a micro second early. Range and course are 2 different animals, much tighter windows on course and you never hit same shit twice.

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