Golf Tips

Can’t stop squatting in my downswing

Apologies, I know it’s off the mats but it was raining. Besides bringing the club too far back, I keep doing this downward squat move that I feel isn’t right in my downswing. I’m just having a hard time trying to transition my hips from being left hip high at the top of the swing to right hip high at impact with out basically squatting a bit. How to do I transition my hips from the top of the backswing to impact while staying on the same spine angle and height? Went from a 25 to a 16 in the last two years, but I’ve been stuck the last 3 months and know my swing has a way to go before becoming more consistent.

by schomminator88


  1. SquadGuy3

    For me anyways, but your back don’t look right, make a c shape in your lower back, you look too hunched over

  2. Deepdesertconcepts

    I’m a bit confused…squatting down is a power move in the downswing, not something I’d be looking to correct. Most people have the opposite problem; early extension.

  3. ntxsunut

    The squatting swing is an actual swing archetype. A bit harder to time but many coaches teach it for generating more power. Tiger Woods was a squatter fwiw.

  4. DijkstraDvorak

    That’s a feature. Learn to embrace it. If you stop squatting now you’ll want to learn to squat or get low later.

  5. jasonleebarber

    See Padraig Harringtons YouTube videos about how it’s not important for your head to remain still through the golf swing. Yes, some golfers are able to keep their head back while they are swinging, but if you look at tiger during the greatness of his 2000 to 2004 run his head would dip below, and he would be in a squatting motion similar to yours.

    Now before you get all excited about having a similar body position as Tiger Woods, he had incredible hip, firing ability, and created a ton of angle and lag in his swing, which you don’t have your lag isn’t terrible, but you do have some early extension going on. There are thousands of YouTube videos on early extension watch a handful. One of them will resonate with you and overtime. You’ll get better at not extending as much, but it will never completely go away. One of my friends is a professional golfer and he still struggles with early extension.

  6. WolfoTheN97

    Put something under your trailer foot and turn into it. Keep the brim level of your hat more level with horizon

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