Golf Simulator

Sim Turf Options

My simulator is coming along slowly. I ended up going with the Sig Pro Softy 4×10 hitting mat because I wanted to make sure my stance area was really solid long term.

I have now built up the flooring around the hitting mat. My plan was to use Money Putt Turf to cover the rest of the area but because of the size of the space I will have to have seams in the turf. I’ve been told the Money Putt does not hide seams well. It was recommended to me to use a longer turf either on the sides or to the rear so that the seams were more intentional. Im hoping to get some opinions on what would look best:

  1. Money Putt turf all around (seams at the rear behind the hitting mat
  2. Money Putt lining the middle, longer turf all along the sides
  3. Money Putt in the front and wrapping around the mat with thicker turf to the rear of the hitting mat

Thanks for any advice!

by loganlocke18

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