My goal was to break 100 this year. Not like this.

My goal was to break 100 this year. Not like this.

by MyLeftMostHand


  1. Kind-Truck3753

    Pretty sure we shouldn’t be playing the blue tees…

  2. jkeatona45

    Honestly it’s pretty impressive that you hacked it around like that and finished in 67 minutes.
    Cheers to quick play

  3. Effingehh

    Jesus dude just cut it off at 8 strokes like the rest of us and take the L it’s ok

  4. mikezzz89

    I bet Your score would be better if you only hit a pitching wedge. Or a putter

  5. Delicious-Lettuce-11

    How many of these strokes were duffed shots 1~15 yards?

  6. MyLeftMostHand

    I appreciate everyone’s advice and I still had a lovely time.

  7. RecoverSufficient811

    Putter only round? They only had a set of lefty rentals and you’re right handed?

  8. 67 minutes…and this many shots? You should honestly play slower. You aren’t slowing anyone down going that fast. You just hurting yourself. It’s okay to suck but still think about you and your game. Golf is very mental. Think about the best possible outcome of the next shot. At this pace you are just getting to your ball and hackin. Best of luck.

  9. ButterscotchObvious4

    How long have you been playing? Took me a while to finally break 100, but when I did, it was with a 90. I had only been golfing seriously for 2 years at that point.

    Keep grinding.

  10. Born-Chipmunk-7086

    Hit the range until you can confidently make good contact and know your distances. If it’s short game you need to work on then I suggest hitting the pitch and putt. This is a lot of shots to take. Sorry to be so blunt.

  11. golfguy1985

    Slowing down will definitely help as others said. If you can play quickly and well though, it’s a bonus. I walked and carried the other day and played 18 in 1:56.

  12. Cap your blow ups to net double par, that helps

  13. GamerDude133

    You must’ve used a power cart, am I right?

  14. With the kindest sincerity behind this comment, you should consider pursuing a new hobby.

  15. BookBagThrowAway

    This is what it’s like breaking 100?

  16. TJB18-AJB22


  17. Mammoth-Ad8348

    I’d stop keeping score until you are keeping it on the course. Or, not chunking half your shots. It’s not helping you.

  18. ExtraDependent883

    91 shots thru 9 holes in an hour and seven minutes I’m not even mad I’m impressed

  19. Hatty463

    Damn that’s quick, I played in Thursday and played 17.5 holes (got stuck behind a group on the last hole and had to take back the cart after my first shot) in an hour and 45 minutes, played the exact same as I normally do which was cool.

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