Avoid the wildlife while golfing

This bobcat had not a care in the world while we were teeing off. Except that rabbit he was hunting.

by LowCalligrapher2455


  1. thewhiskeyinformant

    Would definitely lose fingers attempting to pet. Bobcats are adorable

  2. Joker0091

    Why the fuck are you walking closer to it?

  3. FliesForBrookies

    More proof that cats give zero fucks, this video made my day.

  4. Damn that bobcat was super casual about that 

  5. Downtown_Antelope711

    If not friend why friend shaped

  6. Yoeyo112

    Obviously the bobcat is awesome/scary, seen many playing here in AZ. But the biggest pet peeve I have on the course is someone playing music without a premium music subscription. Why the fuck are we being marketed to all day!? Total vibe killer every ten minutes. Especially at a private course!? Anyway, rant over. Look into Spotify premium or pandora. Totally worth it especially if you’ve already dropped $100K+ to join the club.

  7. RoostasTowel

    Way smaller then i expected.

    Would be tempted to go pss psss psssss

  8. I’ve enough attack me in RDR to know to avoid these guys.

  9. JillFrosty

    Wild cats are the coolest creatures. Perfect athlete.

  10. Dude-Good

    I’d be drunk and try to pet,then arm off

  11. xbieberhole69x

    Damn y’all casual as hell I’d be backing off like a baby. Jumping to the top of the cart.

  12. PracticalMail

    Dude this is crazy. He doesn’t give af about you guys just rolls through like the course manager

  13. NewOldSmartDum

    That’s Desert Mountain in Cave Creek AZ. My wife pointed it out on the tee marker.

  14. Engl1sh87

    He’s using you to flush the rabbit out of the bushes.

  15. Complex_Passenger748

    I’ve Been in Florida my whole 40year life and have never seen a bobcat or panther in the wild. That’s a great video!

  16. That’s clearly a Robertcat, only his friends call him Bob

  17. oneStoneKiller

    Just casually chillin’ with an animal that would absolutely thrash you. lol

  18. HVAC_instructor

    Don’t play that brown ball i just dropped

  19. tacoSEVEN

    “I think he smells something”
    “He smells your crotch”

  20. Man. If I was golfing and had to listen to local radio ads I would lose my fucking mind on the person playing it… radio during golf… maybe the cat came to avenge the golf gods

  21. breetome

    We were waiting to tee off at Star Pass in Tucson and a bunch of New York young guys were ahead of us for a bachelor party. As they are waiting to tee off a bobcat runs out of the bushes grabs a rabbit and rabbits scream loudly when being murdered. We thought the guys were going to pass out they were totally freaked out.

    The starter was laughing his ass off. He looks over at us and says “city boys” lol!

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