Justin Leonard signed Ryder Cup ball found in my range bucket today

Justin Leonard signed Ryder Cup ball found in my range bucket today

by JRowe97


  1. Notyoaveragemonkey

    Proceeds to thin it back into the wild!

  2. bootscrilla

    Recently realized he’s an absolute asshole. At the Ally Challenge in MI last month, Justin and his caddy were outside the pro shop and this guy and his little kid walked by and the kid asked for an autograph. Justin goes “I realize we’re out in public right now but I’m trying to have a private conversation.”

  3. Mysterious-Award-903

    Did you keep it, or just hit it lol?

  4. ToYourCredit

    That’s about where his game is nowadays. Nice piece of memorabilia though!

  5. _merkwood

    Just watched him finish playing Pebble at the PURE Insurance Championship. Birdies 18 to shoot a 65. Didn’t take his hat off to shake hands with his playing partners. Throw that ball back in the woods. Fug em

  6. Patriots4life22

    Slice that right back into the range!

  7. bearded_drummer

    Top it back onto the range…..what kind of person has 2 first names?

  8. whitey2208

    Someone fucked up. Straight outta Sandlot. The great Bambi!?

  9. Always thought highly of Justin Leonard when I watched him play. Sometimes I don’t care to know how they are the couple times they are in a bad mood. Tiger, my hero, not the best either off the course but he gets a big pass.

  10. snowynuggets

    Justin leonard looks like the love child of Michael Scott and Andy Bernard.

  11. Living_Albatross6572

    Keep it!

    Clearly not a cool or good guy but keep it.

  12. therealsix

    My now wife had a run in with him. She lived in Augusta so professional golf was second nature to her, she would go to the Masters every year, see players, etc. she went to Hilton Head the weekend after the Masters which is when the Heritage is played. She and her friend were invited to a party on someone’s yacht, while they were there this, per my wife, “short guy with a gold chain” walked up to where they were and started talking. Ends up it was Justin’s party…

    He found out she was from Augusta:

    Justin: “Augusta huh? Cool, I was there last week, love that course.”

    Wife: “Neat, so you like golf?”

    Justin: “Well, I played in the Masters.”

    Wife: “Oh, ok. I don’t pay attention to that any more.”

    Then he got pissy and walked off and didn’t speak to them the rest of the party. Poor little guy.

  13. cleverdabber

    I’ve met him a few times and he’s always been cordial. Perhaps it was because I was a reporter but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. It must be exhausting having to be decent to people all the time. Can you honestly say you haven’t been lousy to strangers?

  14. Rhysling_star_rover

    He was nothing but nice to me the few times I’ve met him, first time I met bubba Watson he was kinda an ass, every other time he’s been nice, everyone needs to remember that when they’re on the course they’re at work

  15. Agile_Programmer881

    thats says “junk licker “
    he washes all the balls around here . ALL of the balls . they dont make em like him anymore.

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