Distance is the Most Important Factor in Golf on The Hank Haney Podcast with Hank Haney (9/17)

Hank emphasizes that distance is the most important factor in golf, as it determines a golfer’s potential and accuracy. He explains that hitting the ball farther allows for more lofted clubs, which leads to less curvature and increased accuracy. Haney discusses how club head speed is crucial in determining a golfer’s potential, with faster swings resulting in greater distances. He notes that most golfers have woefully slow swings and that increasing club head speed can lead to significant improvements in distance and accuracy. Hank advises golfers to focus on increasing their club head speed by trying to swing faster and taking practice swings to improve their tempo. He emphasizes that it’s essential to train regularly to develop a consistent swing and increase distance. Tune in for more, and join Hank LIVE & INTERACTIVE on!


  1. 2023 PGA tour average carry distance for a 7 iron was 176 yards with a 92mph club speed.
    Get to 90mph with a 7I, be accurate with every club and become excellent from within 50 yards and you actually have the potential.

  2. This is misleading advice, most people swing too fast (for them) to be able to control it and keep it in play. I play with old fuckers all time that shoot low 80s and can barely hit it 180. Yes I agree that potential is higher with higher club head speed, but none of that matters if the ball is sprayed everywhere but the fairway. Shit man today I shot 91, best score yet, I half swung every single shot. I could shave easily 5 strokes off by putting better (too many 3 and 4 putts) and not duffing and topping a few shots (5 bad shots). Distance only counts when it's in play. Scratch golfers hit 260 yd drives yes, but in play, and they can approach, chip, and putt very well!! I've played with too many guys that can whack the ball really far (240 plus) and shoot 100 or more because they spray it everywhere and can't chip or putt. Your advice isn't wrong in theory, but you're leading people down a path of lots of frustration with lots of lost balls.. 250 yard drives have to be hit just right to stay in play. Get lessons, learn to hit the ball correctly, then worry about speed later! It's just bad advice to worry about speed first and then contact later, it is putting the cart before the horse.

  3. Makes sense to me. I’m about a 10hcp. I’ve been playing seriously for just over a year. Luckily, I’m a long hitter. My driver is often a disaster but my irons go pretty well. I’ve only used blades to ensure I develop proper technique. No tech to make me lazy, really practicing my technique. I practice daily. With my bladed 9 iron, I hit about 150 yards so am pretty accurate up to 230 yards with my irons. My club pro said my ceiling is scratch simply because I’m lucky enough to have distance. If I played with cavity backs or game improvement irons, it’d be easier….but I’m addicted to the feeling of puring my Mizuno’s.

  4. Have been repeating this point that Hank has said for years, it is an absolute fact, to realize your potential, your distance is the key, develop more speed if you plan to lower your scores. Excellent video spot on Hank!

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