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Waters/Parenteau v Bright/Rohrabacher at the CIBC Atlanta Slam Presented by Vizzy

Waters/Parenteau v Bright/Rohrabacher at the CIBC Atlanta Slam Presented by Vizzy

#PPATour #Pickleball #ProfessionalPickleballTour

Watch the Women’s Doubles Championship match: (1) Anna Leigh Waters/Catherine Parenteau v (2) Anna Bright/Rachel Rohrabacher at the CIBC Atlanta Slam Presented by Vizzy

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  1. This horrible MOVING CAMERA makes me not want to watch the games. Please change it! We need a steady viewpoint to watch the games. Why have the camera move left and right and up and down, and have the game court diagonal on my screen. What a crap! Who decides this? It is not healthy for my brain!

  2. @21:34 into the match…omgosh….that is out…pickleball, balls "do not compress" like a tennis ball. If the ball is halfway on the line when the ball is on the outside of the court line, that is "OUT!" come on…don't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

  3. ALW is incredibly talented, probably the most solid overall, but I cannot stand her immature/insecure attitude and biased treatment by the entire sport. Glad to see other fans catching on.

  4. Amazing match! Was on the edge of my seat. I’m happy to say I am NOT disappointed with the results! 🎉congratulations AB & RR 🎉

  5. The dream team got spanked! That was fun to watch, if only I could mute Michelle M's voice. Yakking and giggling through the entire match. 😫
    And…. the same commentary, every single match.
    What do you think, and… college this and college that, giggle giggle.

  6. Rachel gave it to ALW repeatedly on her back hand. AL wasn’t able to poached middle so much coz Rachel burned her so many times. Power and strategy, congrats AB and Rachel!

  7. All line calls should be made via the replay. Have a robot do it like the us open does w tennis. Absolutely no reason to have players making these calls anymore.

  8. recording goes from game 2 9-8 for Parentea/Waters and then skips to 0-0 game 3?

  9. Waters/Parenteau lost IMO because they played the same strategy through out the entire match and did not change anything.

  10. Selkirk can afford to give away paddles because they're charging 2x as much as they should for their OVERRATED paddles. It isn't a better paddle just because it costs a BUNCH $$$!

  11. Holy cow! The defensive resets by both teams was awesome, but more so by Bright/Rohrabacher. They must have drilled on those full speed slam resets for an insane amount of time to get to that level of consistency. Kudos to them for having a plan, sticking to it, and maintaining their cool throughout the match.

  12. Waters and Parenteau not as aggressive as the other team for some reason. Parenteau has the best defense of any female player hands down.

  13. Game warden RR punishing poacher. Nice win ladies! Heck of a match when CP is 4th best player on court.

  14. 34:57 guys seriously what in the actual fuck. Howwwww does this happen its literally the most pivotal moment of the match

  15. Even pros in pickleball are less classy compared to tennis. Those calls are horrendous. Flame on.

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